BRIDGE THEORY - An Introduction [11th March 2015]
Bridge theory is a method of observation, analysis, logistical planning, problem solving, creative expansion and organized development.
That is a long description and perhaps it is still deficient. This is because bridge theory is an encompassing concept which operates on many levels in many spheres.
Bridge theory is a physical and conceptual reality, it thus includes theoretical or ideational knowledge and practical applicability. i.e. it is something you can build upon in your mind and with your hands in your living environment, you can analyze imaginary bridge-systems in your mind or view your whole reality and environment through the prism of bridge-theory.
Bridge theory is based on the idea that almost everything in the universe is a bridge or fundamentally connected to the bridge-form in nature. In short, bridge theory states that things can be fall into one or more of the following categories:-
1) a bridge
2) a terminal/location between bridges
3) a traverse medium (the substance, matter, material, energy, environment, conditions through, around or over which a bridge passes)
4) a bridge walker (the information, energy, matter, individual, group or entity which traverses ('walks') the bridge.
These pillars or designations can exist in the same concept, individual or entity such that something can simultaneously be a a bridge and a bridge-walker, or a bridge and a traverse medium, or a terminal and a bridge etc.
Bridge theory due to it being a pervasive principle can apply in all fields and areas of life whether economic, social, scientific, psychological, educational, political, religious, philosophical, artistic etc.
Bridge Theory rests on rational and observational deductions made from the reality of bridges concerning their design, structure, functions and attributes. The deeper and wider this analysis and the more accurate the classification of its components and states the more accurate, detailed and useful will be any working analogy, understanding or application derived from it.
Some of the fundamental principles of bridge theory include:-
1) A bridge is a connection between two entities, systems, components, attributes, individuals, groups or ideas. This generally exists between two places of distinguished locations and/or attributes. However, moments in time are bridged even if there is apparently no movement or change in a given subject (although in reality change has occurred at some or various levels).
2) A bridge facilitates exchange, movement, association, perception, travel between the two locations or states.
3) A bridge is a fundamental structure, reality and process in the universe. This means that everything is connected to bridges in some form either as a bridge, terminal (locations that are connected by bridges) or a 'bridge walker' that which crosses or traverses a bridge.
4) Events, matters, ideas, objects and reality are better viewed via
the filter or spectacle of bridge theory because it is an accurate
classification of the reality. It expands the vision and analysis to
interrelationships, causes and effects, origins and developments,
goals and methods.
5) A subject, entity, attribute, system or concept is understood by
bridge searching, bridge viewing, bridge building and bridge
walking. This means that connections are made to a subject, environment and it's relationships and
connections are searched for within it and linking it to other
subjects external to its own system or structure. Past, present, future and potential connections and bridges are relevant. Locations are relevant, structures, components and organization are relevant. The flows of matter, energy and information are also relevant.
6) Bridges lead to bridges.
[This is an important initial marker in a new theory I have
discovered/developed. I am writing a book on it and if you just reflect
on these few introductory words you will see it is of vast significance
and universal resonance.]
Zayd Depaor